Embrace yourself 

No one is perfect. Yea, you have heard that countless times but not everyone has accepted that fact. We hide our truest self because of the fear of rejection or being judged. 

     I’ll share my story with you, I always felt I was of no value. Most atimes,i battled with feeling inferior…. I would often cry on my bed when no one was watching but it was killing me. Guess what!….. That didn’t help. I had to accept who I really was, love myself and get out of my comfort zone. It is a scary process i know but truth is no one will hurt you for being you! Infact, you’ll attain that high level of freedom. 

Here, I’ll share with you 5 ways on how to be your best self; embracing your imperfections

1- Say no to self criticism and judgment from others:- we give ourselves harsh self talks which isn’t helpful for developing our self confidence and we’ve the fear of receiving judgement from people. The truth is you will be judged whatever way whether you do good or bad. Not everyone will like you, your idea,what u offer etc. The same way a product won’t be liked by everyone but a similar product will be liked by another percentage of people. We all have our differences. Look past your flaws and embrace the good in you. If we don’t get critics from people, we won’t even get better. Just love yourself. You love to sing but scared to sing in public because you’re scared of what they might say …..you own your voice so why don’t you rock it! Everyone has their own opinion; opinion is a natural entitlement,don’t be bothered about people’s opinion. Look at yourself in the mirror and say nice words to your image, you weren’t born by mistake!…. Don’t be a people pleaser,Be bold. 

2- Choose positive cliques :- Surround yourself with people that accept you for who you are, those that influence you positively. Your friends matter in building your self worth, don’t roll with those that demean you or make you feel you not a priority. Build solid relationships with the ones that have positive impact on you. Trust me, it’ll help. Stay away from toxic relationships! Once you realize you are scared of acting real with your clique, there’s no harm in cutting them off because you need support from them so if it’s the otherwise, you’ll just end up lost and feeling inferior over nothing. Don’t get me wrong, don’t hold grudges. 

3- Celebrate yourself :- Be kind to yourself. Even if you failed at doing something at some point, assure yourself that that doesn’t make you a failure. You can’t be perfect and no one is but no one in this world can be like you. We are covered by our flaws more that we fail to see the good in us. Why don’t you make a list of the good things about you; your talent, your strengths etc. You can develop yourself to form a better you. Remember you’re perfect in your imperfections 😉

 “Let go of who you think you are supposed  to be and embrace who you are .” -Brené Brown 

4- Do things that scare you (Do it afraid) :- As human beings,we change. You can’t remain the same person all your life, you are programmed to evolve. Don’t be scared of who you are today because the person you are today will introduce you to who you will be tomorrow. Appreciate yourself in each phase of your life. People might not like your change but you not living for them, you’re living to be fulfilled. What scares you might just be the next step to your growth. Don’t be scared to take risks. Everything depends on you!…. Truth is no one can change your mentality of how you see yourself except you. When people discourage you and say things like “you can’t do this “,”you not capable “,”you not smart enough to handle this “. Cancel their assumptions by saying to yourself “you can do this!”. Even if you don’t end up succeeding, you attempted and trust me you won’t keep failing like that. So, embrace who you are and be open to take risks that would help in your growth. 

5- Stop comparing yourself to others :- People judge themselves alot by comparing themselves to others. Infact the social medias like instagram, facebook etc. has an effect in this aspect (I’m not trying to mar social medias; it’s a good way to connect). You see better people with better things than yourself so you tend to look down on yourself and you not even bold to come out of the box because of the fear of not being accepted,of people not liking your post and all of that. You start having insecurities and feeling inferior. Sad truth is most people now live fake lives just to fit in. Your thoughts control you;so if u thinking people are better than you, it will definitely affect you. Don’t judge yourself and don’t judge anyone either. Focus on you and what’s great about who you are, what you have and what you do.

         Make yourself a priority!! 

 Loving yourself isn’t easy, we all struggle with self -doubt. I was fond of having self depreciating thoughts about myself but now I can say I’m a better person. It’s easier said than done. No one can help except you actually seeing the good in yourself. Let your self-love cancel your self-doubt. I don’t know who you are but you’re perfect in your imperfections .

I have shared 5 ways with you that will certainly help you if you act on it. I’m open to questions from you. Comment below to hear your views. Don’t be scared to comment  I won’t judge you. 
                                                              Much love ♥                                                                        Bumzzz

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